Louvre Trust – Private Client – Corporate – Family Office

Louvre Trust has a 30-year track record in providing first-class fiduciary services to Private Client, Corporate and Family Office clients. We assist to plan and develop the best strategies to hold, protect and grow private and corporate wealth.

We help our clients in estate, succession and mitigation planning to maximise tax efficiency, protect assets, maintain confidentiality and ensure business continuity.

Our fiduciary team administers a wide variety of trusts, foundations and companies.

· Trusts

· Foundations

· Companies

Louvre Trust has is an expert in providing local trust, company, family office and foundation services. Clients can access the most appropriate jurisdiction, or combination of jurisdictions, for their unique needs through Louvre’s network, maintained by virtue of its independent ownership.

Trusts, Foundations and Companies

The cornerstones of successful wealth structuring are a combination of fiduciary arrangements and corporate special purpose vehicles.

Lou­vre Trust applies a holis­tic approach, con­sid­er­ing nation­al­ity, domi­cile and res­i­dency; asset class and asset loca­tion; domes­tic and cross-border tax issues; tes­tacy and intes­tacy rules; and, very impor­tantly, fam­ily dynam­ics. The vari­ables are consid­er­able and they often mul­ti­ply over time.

Struc­tur­ing through the use of trusts, foun­da­tions and com­pa­nies, can allow assets to be con­sol­i­dated within a struc­ture that can adapt and evolve as fam­ily cir­cumstances, invest­ment cycles and busi­ness con­di­tions inevitably change over the years.

Trusts and foun­da­tions are ideal "arms length" struc­tures to help to hold, pro­tect and enhance wealth. Trusts fol­low com­mon law prin­ci­ples, whilst foun­da­tions are cod­i­fied under civil law. Spe­cific client cir­cum­stances and objec­tives will dic­tate the use of either a trust or a foundation.

Key Contacts

Jon Bachelet
Managing Director, Louvre Trust (Guernsey) Limited

[email protected]

+44 (0)1481 727249


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